Thursday, February 26, 2009

Here are three pictures that Tracey sent me today that she had taken. I came back from a meeting and there they were - what a smile it put on mommy's face - i then of course had to share them with everyone I could find at work!

Here are some pictures from last night. Here is what you might think is just a cute shot of Rylee (which of course mommy thinks all shot of the boys are cute)

So cute, innocent shot right? WRONG!! Here is where he was when that picture was taken, he got up there all by himself by the way!!
However, he was also able to get down all by himself as well....

Then the boys came over to hang out with mommy on the couch and they were being so cute snuggling with each other and kissing each other and so i went to take a picture and this is what I captured!!

Needless to say Rylee was not real excited about getting bitten....Baylee does seem to bite out of "love" and not because he is angry or upset but he is in a biting phase right now.....Terry was teaching the last two nights so it is a little harder for me to get pictures when i am home alone so that is why i didn't have a lot to post. hope to get more tomorrow when i am home with them all day!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Random pictures

Here are some cute, random pictures from the last week - since I know some people (grandma & Annette I am talking to you :-)) just look at the pictures I am going to say very little.

Baylee is happy to be hanging out with daddy.....

Rylee is ready for spring!!!!!! Rylee loves his picture book.....

Baylee is cheesing for the camera....

Rylee thinks he is number one or wants me to wait a minute - i am not sure which.....sorry kid you were behind your brother by five minutes...

They hate having their nose wiped but like playing with the Kleenex as long as they can control it...

Baylee just sitting being darn cute..........

Hope you enjoyed....


I think we have two little rockers on our hands. The boys went to their first concert last night - four of the guys from our praise band started a Christian "rock" band and had their first show last night so we went to check them out. The boys LOVED it!!!! They were both dancing and as you can kind of see from the pictures Rylee was clapping his hands and I guess what Baylee was doing would be what some might call head banging?!?!?!
I tried to take some video because they were both being so cute and were so into it but it was too dark. Everyone had a good laugh watching them!! I have more to post but have to leave for work so i will try to do another post later tonight. Have a great Monday!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Four months

Four months ago today we were blessed with receiving our beautiful baby boys!! It is amazing when I look back and think about how much has changed in just four short months. We waited 15 1/2 months for that day and now it seems like the blink of an eye when we are able to look at them and hold them and watch them grow everyday!!!

Here are some pictures looking back over the last four is our first picture with each of the boys.

This one is of the boys after a month - they were crawling but still mostly just played laying on the floor or in the jumperoo and exersaucer.
Here they are after two months - they had started pulling up on things - who can forget bubba's belly hanging over the fireplace...

By three months we were big boys eating out with the family...

And here we are this week - I would say that we have changed maybe just a little in the last four months - what do you think??

Last night we went to a Vietnamese new year celebration and were able to meet some other adoptive families. It was really nice to get to meet them and their children and hear other people's stories!! Here is a picture of the gathering.

Hope everyone has a great Friday!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This weekend

I know it is Tuesday and I am behind in posting. Sunday we were gone most of the day and last night I had a meeting at church and by the time I got home the boys were ready for bed, and so was I not too long there after!!
I am so bummed that this picture it blurry because it is too cute. The boys have really been into each other the last couple days and it has been sooooooo cute. Last night they were playing chase with each other and it was so darn cute - of course by the time i got the camera they were done...i will have to try to capture that some other time.

We have this huge bean bag chair that we used to be able to use as a "gate" if we wanted to keep the boys contained to the living room we could put it in front of the stoop and they would not be able to climb it - so much for that idea now...

Good thing we have two windows in the front - Rylee discovered that he likes to look outside as well. I am really excited for the spring when they can start to play outside!!!! Should I be concerned that it looks like Baylee is doing some kind of gang sign with his hand? ?

Both boys, like most children, like to see their reflection in a mirror, or anything that will show them their reflection. But Baylee REALLY likes to see himself - he always tries to kiss himself whenever he can - is that conceit??

The boys have gotten lots of grandma and grandpa attention recently - my parents came over on Saturday so Terry and I could go out for Valentines Day and Terry's parents babysat yesterday and are coming again today. My parents brought them Valentine's presents but to me these are the best gifts ever!!!!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fun at the babysitter!!!

Right now the boys both have ear infections and are not all that happy or in the mood to play or have their picture taken but here are some shots Tracey got earlier this week. Can you guess which one of our children likes to eat more?

Rylee looks much more excited to eat than Baylee who seems to have been so bored he just fell asleep but it is generally the other way around, as I mentioned the other day when I mentioned their weight difference.

Here is a picture of the boys hanging out playing - you can kind of tell from this picture that Baylee is starting to not feel good.

Here is a shot I got today after we got home - as soon as I put them down in the living room they both just laid their heads down and went to sleep - poor little guys. Spring can't come soon enough!

Monday, February 9, 2009

What we have been up to...

It was a busy weekend this weekend and mommy and daddy didn't get much sleep so sorry for the lack of post. We went to the doctor today for our follow up from 2 weeks ago when the boys were so sick. It turns out Rylee still has a bit of an ear infection so we are going to start on another round of antibiotics. Baylee checked out just fine so he is free and clear - at least for now. Rylee still having the ear infection would explain why mommy and daddy didn't get much sleep this weekend. He would go to bed and then wake up screaming about 5 hours later so anywhere between 1:30 am and 3:30 am he would wake up and not want to go back to sleep so needless to say it was a sleep deprived weekend!! Except at bedtime though they are both doing great. Here are some pictures of the last couple days happenings....

The other day I was wrapping up some stuff in the office and while we don't have a lot of toys in the office there is enough in here to keep them entertained but why would they want to play with the toys they are supposed to play with when there is so much fun stuff they are NOT supposed to play with.
Both boys really like to help me with some of the chores around the house, or at least they like to be at mommy's feet whenever she is doing something - hopefully the helping with the chores will continue when they are older :-)

Here is an updated "who me?" picture - don't they both look soooooo innocent??? I just can't believe how big they are getting. when we went to the doctor today - Baylee weighs 18.14 and Rylee weighs 18.3.

Baylee has found a new favorite hang out - our front window watching all the cars go by. Maybe we can make him an honorary policeman and he can write tickets for all the people that run the stop sign!!

Hope everyone has a great week!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Smiley boys are back....

Well the boys take their last dose of antibiotic today and I think they are pretty much all better - which makes mommy & daddy very happy!!! Here are some pictures from the last few days to show that my smiley boys are back.
I caught them mid-bite for this picture but meal time is getting interesting - now that we are introducing more table foods they are becoming a lot less interested in baby food....

What you talking about daddy???

It is kind of hard to tell from the picture but Rylee is just cracking up at Baylee and he is just clapping away.

It is really hard to get a picture of both of them looking at the camera - and it is almost impossible to get a picture of both of them looking at the camera and smiling!!! Boys will be boys I guess...

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Mellow weekend

Well we had a pretty mellow weekend this weekend so that the boys could rest and continue to recover. We went down to see grandpa and grandma on Saturday in hopes of making them feel better from grandpa's surgery. I think it worked - at least for a little while. He continues to make progress and each day is getting better for him.
The boys are feeling better and are just about back to normal. Rylee is much more smiley than Baylee right now - when Baylee is not feeling well he does not want to smile much at all. Here is a picture i was able to snap of Rylee tonight and then one of both of them.
Can you believe that it was three months ago yesterday that we came home? I find that so hard to believe - it seems like so much longer than that. We continue to be so blessed by these little boys!!! They just amaze us everyday and it is so much fun just watching them learn and grow!! Hope everyone had a great weekend!!