Sunday, April 12, 2009


We had a busy weekend and here are some shots from the fun we had!!

On Friday night after Good Friday service we went out to dinner with some of the people from our small group. Needless to say mommy and daddy sometimes have different opinions on how to feed the children. Mommy cuts everything up into small pieces so the boys can feed themselves in small bites, daddy thinks they can handle it on their own. Here is the first french fry experience!!

On Saturday we went to Ohio to meet with our Great Aunt (grandma's sister) & Uncle - we had not met them yet so we had fun meeting new people.

Then Sunday we went to Grandma & Grandpa's after church and had fun there as well!! There were eggs for us to find and some fun new toys!! Of course, we still liked to play with water bottles :-)

Hope everyone had a great weekend, we sure did!!!

1 comment:

Katie Kermeen Swisher said...

Love the pics! Your mom looks great - she's having so much fun playing there on the floor! Glad you guys had a great Easter!