Saturday, June 27, 2009

Lake Time

We went to visit Grandma and Grandpa at the lake today...

Before we could go outside we had to get our swim trunks & hats on and then get sprayed down with sunscreen. Rylee thought he was pretty hot stuff...

Of course so did Baylee - but he wasn't too sure about the hat quite yet!!

Here they are together getting ready to go and hamming it up for the audience!!

Neither of them were real sure what to think of the first ride on the boat but they were pleasant and just enjoyed the ride....

Then Rylee decided he would explore a little...

While Baylee opted to hang out with grandma...

Rylee then decided that he needed to show grandpa how the boat should be driven...

Then it was time to sit again and enjoy the ride..

Sitting on the boat in the sun did work up quite a thirst but they decided they didn't need their sippy cups when grandma was giving them drinks from "big boy" cups.

Overall I would say we had a pretty AWESOME day!!!

Friday, June 26, 2009

CRAZY week

Sorry for no updates this week - it was a bit of a crazy week!! Baylee had surgery on Wednesday to get tubes in his ears and everything went great!! Hopefully he will feel all better now and not have to deal with that pressure in his head. We have already started seeing him talk and walk more even since Wednesday. We were able to get a few pictures this week to feed everyone's need for pics!!

Since everything went so well on Wednesday after I got off work I met my three boys at Costco - Baylee was quite proud of himself for climbing on the diaper box - Rylee of course was on the move and didn't have time to stop and smile for the camera.

The boys also enjoyed some fun time playing with each other today - it is so cute to see them wrestle and play peek a boo with each other!!

Sorry that is all the shots I got this week - we are hoping to go to the lake to see my parents tomorrow but right before we put the boys down tonight Baylee spiked a low grade fever so we will see how things are in the morning. I think it is his teeth because their second molar is starting to come through so hopefully he will be fine. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Weekend update

Well besides the fish fry and our plans with the dad's today we didn't have a lot of plans for the weekend so we took some time to do some "spring cleaning" and organizing. This is what happens when you add two 17 month olds to the plan of cleaning up...
Not so bad right??? WRONG - this is what happened in the office!!!!!! OH MY!!!

We did manage to get it all cleaned up and now it looks much better!!

We met both sets of parents today for lunch to celebrate Father's Day - by the way HAPPY FIRST DADDY's DAY Terry! The boys of course had fun with the grandparents!!

Here is Baylee with Grandpa Greene...

Meanwhile, Rylee and Grandma Bodenreider were having a very intense moment with the straw and glass.

Then they switched off and the grandma's had to take care of the boys - like mommy and daddy never feed them or give them anything to drink!!

Grandpa had to have his fun too!!

The boys had lots of fun (and I think everyone else did too!!) and ended up taking a two hour nap when they got home!!

Then they had to play some more - that is the thing they are best at!!!

These are about the only shots I can get of Rylee anymore - he is ALWAYS on the move!!!!

Sometimes he does sit a spell to look outside...

Make no mistake - Baylee boy has his share of fun as well....

Hope everyone had a great weekend~we sure did!!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

CUMC Fish Fry

The boys experienced their first fish fry tonight....

Here they are hanging out when we first got there....Grandma Ginny gave us her hat because she refused to wear it - Rylee managed to destroy it in about 10 seconds!!

Then Becky gave them both straws to play with....Just like mommy does with her straws - they started chewing on them (daddy hates when I do this!!!)

Rylee was helping Connie at the register - don't blame my boy if we didn't make a profit!!

This picture KILLS me!! The boys look SO big sitting at the table eating dinner!!!!

Hope everyone has a great weekend - mommy is going to try to recoup from the fact that her baby boys are getting bigger and aren't such BABY boys anymore!!!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Just a few

The boys have been cutting through their molars this week so needless to say they have been happy one minute and fussy the next so there has not been a lot of pictures taken but here are a few...

Daddy got a new laptop computer this week (Happy Father's Day!!) and so now Baylee thinks that the place on daddy's computer desk where the PC used to go is now a perfect place for him to hang out to get better access to what is on top of daddy's desk - his favorite is getting daddy's itouch!!

The boys have mastered the art of climbing on the couch this week so one does that and the other climbs on the bean bag and they play peek a boo.

The boys were making an effort to help me clean tonight...

ok they are in meltdown mode right now ready to go to bed so i am signing off....

Monday, June 15, 2009

Better update....

Ok before I go to bed tonight I thought I better update because I know some people may be yelling at me before too long for not updating.

The boys generally play well together - here is a great example of that!!

They are both walking more and are up almost all the time - Rylee is doing better with walking than Baylee but I am sure that is because of the issue with his ears. Baylee is scheduled for surgery on the 24th.

We went to a family birthday get together on Sunday - the boys enjoyed helping unwrap and play with the tissue paper!!!

Even though we couldn't play outside today, we enjoyed playing with our water toys - minus the water!!

The boys really wanted to play outside today!!!

We did get to go to daddy's softball game tonight so that was fun!!

Rylee had a GREAT time with Aunt Kathy!!!

Baylee was just laid back, enjoying his ride in the wagon!!

Hope this gives everyone their "fix" of pictures!!

Friday, June 12, 2009


The boys got their haircut today and she decided to style it as well so they got their first experience with hairspray as well. Then we came home and had some lunch and I couldn't resist getting some pictures of the spiky new do!!! it is kind of hard to see Baylee's since his highchair has a dark background but it is pretty cute!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Grand pictures

The Grand had a photographer available and here are some of the pictures they took - not too bad if I must say so myself!!!