ok I am going to start by saying this may be a really short post as i have
Baylee boy on my lap and I am not sure how cooperative he is going to be....i am a few days behind in my posting - after I had said I try to post daily!! sorry but yesterday was a really busy day and there was just not a chance to post. We had church and then a thanksgiving to go to and then we went to the mall last night!! Lots going on and very little pictures - i was quite the slacker at thanksgiving and didn't even get my camera out - oops!! I was planning on going out today but it has been so dreary and rainy here that we decided, once again, to stay inside!! I am well aware that most people come just for the pictures so here are some from the last few days...
Here is more fun with their teething rings - you would think for as much as they are chewing and as much drool is coming from them they would have some teeth popping through but I felt again today and there was nothing.....
While he can't quite get in the sitting position like his brother,
Baylee has started doing this "lounging" position...
The first time I tried to take this shot he started to move and he looks more like a dog peeing...
I am sure my children are going to come to hate me one day when they see some of the pictures of them that i have posted but here is another shot of Rylee sleeping - this is another favorite pose of his. I always feel bad when he is in this pose because it looks as though he is ashamed or is in trouble but I assure you he took this nap on his own and got in this position on his own.
Ok I ended up having to put Baylee down because he was trying to eat the computer and guess what he went right for - the paper - hopefully daddy had already read this edition of the IBJ.
Ok gotta go -
Rylee just woke up from his nap - we gotta get ready because grandma and grandpa are coming over tonight.
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