Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Learning and helping

The boys are still learning to master the art of spoons and here is what happened tonight...

Baylee was tired of using the spoon so he decided he could use his hands and slurp the yogurt off of his hands - it was much faster (and messier) that way!!! I love the fact that he was still holding the spoon - just using the other hand to shove and slurp!!

I think maybe they are trying out different yogurt treatments for their face...

Rylee decided he would experiment with the other end of the spoon tonight to see if it worked the same way....

Apparently it does!!!

I was doing laundry the other day and so I had the piles of clothes on the floor and the boys started playing with them and were trying to put the shorts on their head - so daddy helped and here is what that looked like....

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