Thursday, July 16, 2009

Feverish and fussy

Well we got sent home from the babysitter yesterday because Baylee ended up having a fever. I am new to this mommy thing but I am fairly certain by the look of his shirt by the end of the night that it is his teeth. He is a DROOL factory right now!! His fever is down today but still a little fussy. His second molar has not come in yet but looks to be ready to break through at any moment...

He has his fussy moments but for the most part he is his usual happy self so here are some shots of us playing last night!!

Rylee was ready to go out and play so he brought me his shoes - too bad it was dark outside - hopefully tomorrow buddy it is supposed to be a beautiful next couple of days.

Not that this is a great shot of me by any means but I am hardly ever in any pictures with the boys since I am always the one taking the pictures so I had to post this one!!
This is my favorite picture from last night - America's Got Talent was on and the boys LOVED it!! That is of no surprise though since there is music - it cracked me up!!

Ok so I have a dumb moment to admit on myself - I have been blogging for a while now and I just today noticed that the default on pictures is medium and so i changed it to large today so hopefully the pictures come out a little better. I had wondered how some people had bigger pictures on their sites - DUH suzi!!!

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