Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Weekend

We had a fun weekend this weekend, we got to see both sets up grandparents and everyone was healthy!! 

He is WAY too young to be trying to text!!!!

Up close and personal!!

Heading to Costco Rylee fell asleep - with his lovey in his mouth for some reason!! 

Baylee didn't fall asleep - he was just zoned out for a bit....

Does this remind anyone else of Old School Saturday Night Live????

Daddy and I had a date night Saturday and Grandma came to babysit - Grandpa had to work so she had the boys to herself.  She brought balloons over which are a HUGE hit with the boys.  Sunday the balloons ended up in every room in the house and went with us everywhere....

They did have to rest the balloons every once in a while so they could snack!!

We went grocery shopping tonight and the boys had to help daddy push the cart...

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