Sunday, February 28, 2010

Are you ready to Rock?!?!?

There was a concert at church tonight and I am not sure which was more entertaining - the guys on stage or the little guys running around!!  they had a BLAST!!!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Life with BOYS!!!!

Being silly while watching Elmo - of course they would both not smile for the camera at the same time!!!

Actually sharing the train!!  Even if they wouldn't look at the camera it was picture-worthy!!

Baylee & the wall had a BAD meeting last night - freaked mommy out but didn't seem to phase him too much!!

Taking their shoes off when we got home from Julie's

I left the boys for about 5 minutes while they were playing in the living room and I came back to find this...HOW did they get up there?!?!?!

The balloons still go most places with us...

Are these not the cutest towel wraps you have ever seen???

Monday, February 22, 2010

Another week in review

It is getting harder and harder to capture pictures of the boys when they are being still - they seem to be running more than anything lately but here are a few shots from this past week...

Baylee with his Valentine Elmo - I was never able to get a still shot with Rylee with his.

They love to ham it up after swimming lessons...

We are still trying to figure out what to do about mealtime, after Baylee took a dive (head first) off of the chair the other day we decided to try this option....however now they are free to get up whenever they want and that is not working real well either...

I got out the Easter decorations this week - here is something new you can do with your easter baskets...

Here are some shots of quiet time, just playing with a puzzle or the ball popper...

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Weekend

We had a fun weekend this weekend, we got to see both sets up grandparents and everyone was healthy!! 

He is WAY too young to be trying to text!!!!

Up close and personal!!

Heading to Costco Rylee fell asleep - with his lovey in his mouth for some reason!! 

Baylee didn't fall asleep - he was just zoned out for a bit....

Does this remind anyone else of Old School Saturday Night Live????

Daddy and I had a date night Saturday and Grandma came to babysit - Grandpa had to work so she had the boys to herself.  She brought balloons over which are a HUGE hit with the boys.  Sunday the balloons ended up in every room in the house and went with us everywhere....

They did have to rest the balloons every once in a while so they could snack!!

We went grocery shopping tonight and the boys had to help daddy push the cart...

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Midweek update

Not many pictures to post this week - between the snow and Baylee having a fever we have not done too much this week but here are a couple...

Baylee enjoying some of daddy's Pho (traditional vietnamese soup that grandma made!!)

Don't those eyes just make you melt...

Dinner is awful tiring!!!!!

They both got in the same rocking chair today so I thought it would be a great chance to get a picture of them together smiling - but try as I might I was NOT successful!!

They were tired of having their picture taken - time for Tigger & Pooh!!