Saturday, May 26, 2012

More pics from last weekend

Here are some more pictures from last weekend.

Pointing out things on the log ride...

Kangaroos trying to stay cool...

Showing off...

Petting zoo!!

Riding the skyride again...

Rylee was done taking pictures for the daay so this was just me and Baylee. 


Our good-bye hotel picture! 

Isn't this the cutest luggage you have ever seen!! 

Doing the moon walk..

Water table fun!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Fort Wayne, part 2

For some reason I am having a challenge uploading all the pictures so here is the next batch...

These are honey badgers - and they don't care (some of you will totally get this and others will have no clue - sorry!!)

Checking things out....

Hanging out in the tent!! 

Baylee under the mosquito net - thinking of our friends in Africa who really sleep like this every night!! 

My little dinos cracking out of their eggs!! 

They got to feed them some lettuce! 

They love the zebras!! 

BONGO drums!! 

So fun watching them!! 


Sea lion! 

OF COURSE we had to ride the train!! 

Sunday, May 20, 2012

New room and a few pics from Fort Wayne weekend

Here are a few updated pics!

Working together to play a game...

Good-bye nursery room!!

Helping daddy put together our new Lightning Bed!!

Playing in our new room!! 

We updated the bathroom too - took it from Pooh Bear to Toy Story!! 

Hung out in Fort Wayne for the weekend!!

Our bye bye hotel picture!! 

Hiding our faces!!

Sky Ride at the Zoo

Sunday, May 6, 2012

May fun...

Sometimes the simplest (free) things are the most fun!! Here we are having a blast with bubble wrap

Playing Disney Universe!!

"Reading" one of daddy's law books

Enjoying time outside!! 

Fun with water bottles!! 

REFUSING to take a picture!! 

And proud of it (can't you tell by the little smirk!!)