This was an interesting week - part of the week was sunny and 70+ and then it was snowy and 30 for part of the week as well. Regardless we had a good week!!
The boys were in a cuddly mood this week (even at bedtime - though this is pretty normal - those with multiples know what I mean)!!
Is there any picture more precious?!?!?!?!
The boys requested that I take this one!!
Loving the sun (and the fact that our feet touch the pedals of our tricycle this year!!!)
It is much easier to pull them up the hill and then ride down!!
Going for a walk (ride)
Friday was one of the chilly days so we met Papaw for lunch and we got to build spring friends at Build a Bear (or today it was Build a Lamb!!)
Papaw could tell they had been here before - they knew exactly what to do!!
Bath time!!
Then a brush!!
What a fun day!! In fact it wore us out and we fell asleep on the way home :-)